Is SAIX now working mornings only?
(too old to reply)
Peter H.M.Brooks
2007-01-08 07:19:10 UTC
I've just had an e-mail from my ISP, saying that SAIX believe that
they've fixed a problem that was caused by international newsfeeds being

It sounds unlikely to me that this fixes everything - after all, we've
had several months of slow and variable service.

Still, I'll check when this arrives on google - I am sending it at
07:18GMT - 09:18 SAST on the 8th January 200.
Peter H.M. Brooks
2007-01-08 07:23:45 UTC
Post by Peter H.M.Brooks
I've just had an e-mail from my ISP, saying that SAIX believe that
they've fixed a problem that was caused by international newsfeeds being
It sounds unlikely to me that this fixes everything - after all, we've
had several months of slow and variable service.
Still, I'll check when this arrives on google - I am sending it at
07:18GMT - 09:18 SAST on the 8th January 200.
Well, maybe it has been repaired! Here I can see it on google at 09:27
on the 8th January 2007.

That's as it should be.

Maybe somebody else can check the transit time in the afternoon.
Steve Hayes
2007-01-08 13:50:30 UTC
Post by Peter H.M. Brooks
Post by Peter H.M.Brooks
I've just had an e-mail from my ISP, saying that SAIX believe that
they've fixed a problem that was caused by international newsfeeds being
It sounds unlikely to me that this fixes everything - after all, we've
had several months of slow and variable service.
Still, I'll check when this arrives on google - I am sending it at
07:18GMT - 09:18 SAST on the 8th January 200.
Well, maybe it has been repaired! Here I can see it on google at 09:27
on the 8th January 2007.
That's as it should be.
Maybe somebody else can check the transit time in the afternoon.
I just got a huge bunch of messages today, some dating back to 1 January.

But I don't see why the international newsfeeds should cause Moira's messages
to take 2 days to reach me.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://hayesfam.bravehost.com/stevesig.htm
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
Bernd Jendrissek
2007-02-12 18:22:29 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
Post by Peter H.M.Brooks
I've just had an e-mail from my ISP, saying that SAIX believe that
they've fixed a problem that was caused by international newsfeeds
being down.
I first noticed a while back that dp-news.maxwell.syr.edu wasn't
responding - I (used to) suck a few groups' articles from there. That
seems to have been SAIX's (only?) international incoming feed.

How hard can it be for a telecomms monopoly to set up redundant
Post by Steve Hayes
But I don't see why the international newsfeeds should cause Moira's
messages to take 2 days to reach me.
Because one of you is posting via some international path, and the other
uses something closer to SAIX, and the articles have to jump over the
big pond to get here, and the way they normally got to SAIX, is broken.

- --
Post by Steve Hayes
The problem is that i believe that my assertions are correct.
Yes, that is a problem.
2007-02-12 20:34:08 UTC
Have re-mailed ISP and SAIX with all thereferences and correspondence.
Lets see what falls when we shake the tree.
Bodie ..

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
("General Introduction to Psychoanalysis," S. Freud)
Hash: SHA1
Post by Steve Hayes
Post by Peter H.M.Brooks
I've just had an e-mail from my ISP, saying that SAIX believe that
they've fixed a problem that was caused by international newsfeeds
being down.
I first noticed a while back that dp-news.maxwell.syr.edu wasn't
responding - I (used to) suck a few groups' articles from there. That
seems to have been SAIX's (only?) international incoming feed.
How hard can it be for a telecomms monopoly to set up redundant
Post by Steve Hayes
But I don't see why the international newsfeeds should cause Moira's
messages to take 2 days to reach me.
Because one of you is posting via some international path, and the other
uses something closer to SAIX, and the articles have to jump over the
big pond to get here, and the way they normally got to SAIX, is broken.
- --
Post by Steve Hayes
The problem is that i believe that my assertions are correct.
Yes, that is a problem.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Steve Hayes
2007-02-12 21:42:57 UTC
On Mon, 12 Feb 2007 18:22:29 +0000 (UTC), "Bernd Jendrissek"
Hash: SHA1
Post by Steve Hayes
Post by Peter H.M.Brooks
I've just had an e-mail from my ISP, saying that SAIX believe that
they've fixed a problem that was caused by international newsfeeds
being down.
I first noticed a while back that dp-news.maxwell.syr.edu wasn't
responding - I (used to) suck a few groups' articles from there. That
seems to have been SAIX's (only?) international incoming feed.
How hard can it be for a telecomms monopoly to set up redundant
Post by Steve Hayes
But I don't see why the international newsfeeds should cause Moira's
messages to take 2 days to reach me.
Because one of you is posting via some international path, and the other
uses something closer to SAIX, and the articles have to jump over the
big pond to get here, and the way they normally got to SAIX, is broken.
I find I can read some newsgroups but not others.
Steve Hayes from Tshwane, South Africa
Web: http://hayesfam.bravehost.com/stevesig.htm
E-mail - see web page, or parse: shayes at dunelm full stop org full stop uk
Bernd Jendrissek
2007-02-15 08:49:47 UTC
Post by Steve Hayes
I find I can read some newsgroups but not others.
Another thing I only remember noticing now is that SAIX seems to have
reset their "article high water marks". So if your newsreader is still
expecting to pull messages starting with article number 486737, but
SAIX's new high water mark is 12847, then another 486737-12847 = 473890
articles need to be posted before you see any new ones.

A bit of a goof on their part to reset these high water marks... for
precisely this reason (people not seeing any articles)!

- --
non-smoking section in a restaurant == non-peeing section in a swimming pool